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湖北工业大学理学院教授喜获Future ICT2019国际会议最佳论文奖

来自:湖北工业大学成教网   2019-11-20    浏览164次

随着科学技术和社会经济的高速发展,ICT技术(Information and Communication Technology,信息和通信技术)的发展和动态,已成为科学研究的重点和热点研究领域。

近日,首届Future ICT 2019国际会议在中国台湾召开,众多ICT领域国际知名专家学者齐聚宝岛台湾,探讨ICT技术领域技术现状、未来走向和发展趋势,交流ICT领域最新成果。为期3天的会议,经过分领域主题展示、重点论文展演和讨论交流,从参会的数百篇论文中,评审出20篇Best Paper Award(会议最佳论文)。

我校理学院谭保华教授的科研论文《Nondestructive Testing of Cherry Tomatoes Sugar Content by Near-infrared Spectroscopy Based on BP Neural Network》,喜获会议《Best Paper Award》奖。该论文立足农业水果生产和检测中的热点问题,以圣女果为研究对象,采用光学近红外漫反射检测方法,建立神经网络模型对圣女果含糖量进行研究。结果表明通过建立神经网络模型,能快速、高效的实现圣女果含糖量近红外无损检测。

据悉,该论文将和其他Future ICT 2019国际会议评审出的会议最佳论文一起,被推荐发表在国际权威SCI期刊IEEE Access(SCIE,IF:4.098/Q1)上。


附原文摘要:Cherry tomatoeswere taken as the research object, near-infrared diffuse reflectance method was used, and BP network model was established to research the sugar content of cherry tomatoes. Smoothing and the principal component analysis (PCA) were used to extract the spectral features from the experimental spectral data. The pretreated spectral data was taken as the input of the network, the measured sugar content of cherry tomatoes was the output, the 80-12-1 network model structure was established, and the cross-validation determination coefficient is 0.8328, and the average absolute deviation is 0.5711. The results show that the establishment of BP neural network model can achieve the nondestructive testing of cherry tomatoes sugar content quickly and efficiently bynear-infraredspectroscopy.

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